VIROFIT CAPSULES VIROFIT is developed to control against infectious diseases Natural Synbiotic Natural Bioenhancer Herbal Actives Capsule Formulation Animal / Human Pharmacological Activity Our VIROFIT Products VIROFIT GoCapsules VIROFITCapsules VIROFIT ExtraCapsules Brand USP VIROFIT is developed to control all viral diseases. Standardized Herbal extracts formulation. Halal Active Certified formulation. Scientific approach adopted for formulation development. “Synerbal Technology” –almost 6 folds more powerful than normalherbal formulations and Improve Gut health. Meets heavy metal limits and free from pesticide and aflatoxin. It can be used together with antiviral drugs and any allopathic medicine with proper guidance of doctor/pharmacist. Effective-Mechanism of action has been clinically established.